August 28, 2024, 08:55

Summer is in full swing in the Netherlands!


Boot Holland wishes you a nice summer!

Summer is in full swing! The first tropical temperatures have been reached, and events such as: The Sneekweek, the Skûtsjesilen and the Olympic Games, with a beautiful opening on the Seine, have started. The Dutch waters are filling up with thousands of water sports enthusiasts and life on and around the water is flourishing, which brings us a lot of fun! We would like to wish everyone a great summer. The organization is easily accessible for requests or inquiries during this period.

Register now at an extra advantageous rate for Boot Holland 2025 from March 5 to 9 and receive 10 free relationship cards when you register early! You can use these cards for competitions and to invite your most important customers and relations to visit your stand at Boot Holland 2025.

New at Boot Holland 2025! The Watersport accessories square!
What could be more fun for visitors than to have their preparations for the new water sports season in order during Boot Holland? Whether they are looking for everything for anchoring, paint systems, electrical systems on board, rigging, clothing, navigation or other accessories, on the new square you will discover everything for a safe journey! All accessories on this square are exclusively nautical.

Do you want to join the Water Sports Accessories Square? Then quickly ask about the possibilities at the organizationPlease note that for this segment: Full = Full!

Register now for Boot Holland 2025!
You can register for Boot Holland 2025 quickly and easily via the online registration formYou can also use the registration form download.

Do you have any questions about your participation, do you have ideas and suggestions or would you like to receive a quote for Boot Holland 2025? Let us know, we will be happy to visit you! Contact us via or by telephone on 058-294 1500.
